About Us

Hello and thank you for visiting!

One of the greatest loves we have for our business is designing and creating the perfect personalised gift that is extra special to you. 

The story began in 2017 when From Willow was created! Since starting out we have had an amazing and overwhelming response to our gifts. It all started with a hobby and the exciting process of personalising gifts with the flexibility to design and make cute & quirky gifts. We are proud to be called a family run business and now run from our warehouse based in Cambridgeshire with a wonderful team behind the company!

The one thing we love is working with you to create the the perfect custom gift and reminds us why we do what we do. 

A big thank you from us

We would like to thank every single person that has ever ordered from us and purchased one of our personalised products since we began. It really does mean a lot to us seeing the support we have received.

Get social with us on Social Media

Keep up to date with us on Instagram & Facebook - we absolutely love seeing our products tagged on your social feeds, it really makes our day! Please feel free to take any pictures and post to Instagram tagging @fromwillowco and hashtagging #fromwillow.

Looking for a particular design?

If you require any assistance or need any advice on a particular design, please do not hesitate to get in touch via our contact form or email directly.